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2018年慕尼黑电子展(electronica 2018)——三友联众集团诚邀您的莅临


  2018年慕尼黑电子展(electronica 2018)


  地点:德国慕尼黑展览馆New Munich fair Center

  简介:德国慕尼黑电子展创始于1964年,2年举办1次,是全球规模最大的电子零组件专业展,2018年为第28届举办。 2016年共有来自全球超过50个国家2,913家厂商参与此项盛会,在短短4天的展期中,吸引84国73,451参观人次。展出重点包括车用电子、绿色电子及医疗电子等产品应用,并涵盖半导体、嵌入式系统、感应式面板、无线模组等电子零组件及模组。此展是行业厂家进军欧洲各国及全球电子市场之跳板,更是接触全球专业买主之绝佳机会。


  展位号:A2, 155号

  We are delighted to announce that Sanyou Electrical Appliances GmbH, along with our parent company Sanyou Corporation Limited will participate in electronica 2018 at New Munich fair Center from 13th to 16th of November , 2018.

  We welcome you to drop by our booth (A2, 155), take a look on Sanyou product samples, catalogs and enjoy a cup of coffee while chatting with relay experts and members of senior management from Sanyou Corporation Limited.


  We are looking forward to meeting you at electronica 2018.
